Child Nutrition Program

Welcome To Our Nutrition Junction

Beehive Learning Academy is proud to participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), a federally funded program that helps ensure that children in our care receive nutritious meals and snacks that meet USDA standards.

Stop and Enjoy!

Red Menu

Our red menu is packed with tasty and nutritious foods that are sure to keep your child energized all day long. From fruits and vegetables to whole grains and lean protein, our red menu offers a variety of breakfast, lunch, and snack options to keep your child feeling full and satisfied.

Teacher wearing blue sweatshirt cutting strawberries on marble countertop. Green walls. White cupboards above and below.
Blond girl sitting at table.  On the table is a paper plate with remnants of a toco salad. Green tumbler. Sink, counter, and cupboards on background. Milk on counter.
Caution! Hot Meals for Hungry Bees.

Yellow Menu

Our yellow menu is a celebration of diversity, with something for everyone to enjoy. From international cuisine (such as chicken quesadillas) to comfort food, our yellow menu offers a variety of hot meals breakfast, lunch, and hearty snack options to spark your child's taste buds.

Go for the Greens!

Green Menu

Our green menu is made with wholesome ingredients that are perfect for growing bodies. From fruits and vegetables to whole grains and lean protein, our green menu offers a variety of breakfast, lunch, and snack options to help your child reach their full potential.

Nutrition Program

Seasonal Menu Selector

Click below to view menus